Whats The Difference Between Hunting & Golf Range Finders What Is The Difference Between Golf And Hunting Range Finders?

What is the difference between golf and hunting range finders? - whats the difference between hunting & golf range finders

would be best, a golf course are used for hunting, because it much cheaper to buy?


mack_9 said...

I am not yet a rangefinder, but I was looking for. It seems that golf is just 200 meters from the target and non-reflecting approximately 450 from a target reflection. If you only measure at that distance, go ahead. I have a search that is 600-800 meters from the target is not reflective action. The expensive. All the weapons we can use up to 250 meters in a straight line and I think, fairly close to 400 meters or less.

the long shot said...

Golf range finders are cheaper because sometimes deceive quality. Use the flag to the distance. They are also highly dependent on the goals of reflection. Hunting rangefinders are frequently in non-reflective targets and a series of irregular objects.

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