How Long Does It Take To Feel Sick From Plan B How Long Does The Plan B Side Effects Last?

How long does the plan b side effects last? - how long does it take to feel sick from plan b

well, so I took Plan B on Friday morning (the morning after the incident) and Monday, and now I feel like hell Moody, sullen, irritable, sick stomach, I felt like dishwasher soap this morning and nearly vomited. I know (as his early symptoms of pregnancy even if I nausea / grumpyness with my first few weeks after conception.) How long will I have to do that? I am sick nausea and acts as a work of mad! I thought grumpyness a little bit, because when I take the birth control move attacks (mad panic, depression, mood swings, manic). I want to feel normal again.


Blessed Twin Momma said...

I have the same ... lol and I felt the same .. it was for me ... So I think U only dream ... I did the same. What side effects should be as long as you keep thinking about it .. GL

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