Almay Amazing Lasting Concealer How Can I Stop My Eyeliner From Fading/wearing Off?

How can I stop my eyeliner from fading/wearing off? - almay amazing lasting concealer

I tried many eyeliners and millions of studying a "good"

except when I go home after a hard day I can see that in the upper eyelid a little bit (a lot, I really do not know how I can describe it, but not really in color away, I can see my skin in those areas where j " I moved in)

Each eyeliner i own them all (with the exception of liquids, my friends, and I love you ♥ hehe)

Do you have any tips / advice?
I've heard it could be because my skin type I (very, very dry skin)

But Yessss.
I also research on coatings and pencil I found one that is apparently the holy grail of coatings --

Almay amazing lasting eyeliner
So I'll try:)

Thanks in advance guys!


Housenci... said...

Some people have this problem. I have dry skin and sometimes I feel a sort of mark on the upper eyelid, where they play.

The only class that can be used for eyeliner, that is liquid (the class) or all day avoid rubbing the tip of the eye.

But I have not tried a lot of eyeliner, that the Holy Grail of work lol. So have to try, and if not keep it to a liquid.

Ashley said...

I have this problem, and I hate it so bad! I researched many Soo.
But anyway, try to put eyeshadow the same color on the eyeliner. waterproof and try Maybelline eyeliner. works quite well. (:

Gertrude said...

You can try to apply your eyeliner, then slap on some eye shadow with a brush at the tip of the eyeliner. :)

♥juicyco... said...

after application of eyeliner you choose to go on the eye color with a shade that it is similar. This will keep your makeup throughout the day

:) said...

put a powder in that area, before going into the food

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