Stomach Ulsers Is It Okay To Drink If You Have Stomach Ulsers?

Is it okay to drink if you have stomach ulsers? - stomach ulsers

I know that sounds stupid, but I need to know


MommysLi... said...

Peptic ulcers are usually caused by a bacterial infection of H. pylori in the stomach (already found), and with acid and pepsin in the stomach is powerful combination of an ulcer. So avoid anything that increases the production of stomach acid and alcohol want is one of those things. So, yes, put the drink, the tiger.

MommysLi... said...

Peptic ulcers are usually caused by a bacterial infection of H. pylori in the stomach (already found), and with acid and pepsin in the stomach is powerful combination of an ulcer. So avoid anything that increases the production of stomach acid and alcohol want is one of those things. So, yes, put the drink, the tiger.

Ghee said...

Yes - you drink lots of water! No alcohol - because it may cause bleeding, but also absorb quite directly, as the alcohol in the blood (- and get drunk) too quickly - which can not be bad - if not admitted on the floor bleeding to death - --
Provision of medicines for the cure - Let the drink below ---

OhMyGosh... said...

Hmmm Now I have a stomach ulcer, and I think that consumption can often cause irritation. However, I discovered that cider irritate my sore at all:) sooo .. Happy Times drunk! :)

OhMyGosh... said...

Hmmm Now I have a stomach ulcer, and I think that consumption can often cause irritation. However, I discovered that cider irritate my sore at all:) sooo .. Happy Times drunk! :)

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