Wedding Bed Decorations Pregnant; And Overbearing Mother-in-law Don't Know What To Do?

Pregnant; and overbearing mother-in-law don't know what to do? - wedding bed decorations

OK, so this problem I had with my mother-in-law in planning the wedding when she had her marriage and changed some things as decorations, etc. it bothers me, but at least when the marriage took place, not me deal with more. Now that I'm pregnant, is very, very arrogant and the new baby is born, I'm nervous it will get worse. I love her, she is a grandmother-in-law, but sometimes it's just makes me mad.

She offered to buy the crib for us is very nice, but not really allow me to select from the cradle ... It is what you want. She wants to go to a local Amish store and the custom built cradle, which is all fine and great, but then I buy the changing table and the dresser is not everything, and that the Amish do, convertible. I have a convertible crib, which I love and chose to change direction Table w / shower and toilet and a price of about $ 1200 for 4 pieces. I do not want disturbed, butAt the same time, this is my baby and my house and I do what I want for the child? What is my homeland, the cradle of what we wanted, which was meant for sale for $ 75 as Cyber Monday, and said to him, he could finally get to kindergarten, that I wanted, but it was like No, I will not. If you have 5 children ever, it is a bed for babies and I when we want to 2 children in most IT and started to go, we need more than 2 children, blah, blah, blah. Sorry, but we decided that I want only 2! It is a difficult situation because I'm grateful that he offered to help, but do not want something that I could not be satisfied. Ideas?


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